Hi Encouragement,
Yes, I am fully aware of what this old adage means and implies.
And what I meant by my saying "If men are visual, does that mean women are blind?" is that I hate seeing the phrase "Men are visual!" when it's misused -- such as an excuse for lust or a double standard.
I've written about this several times before here -- I feel I need to say that as an apology to the old timers here who have already read this multiple times

-- but whenever I hear, "Men are visual," I think of a guy's dating profile I read years ago on Christian Mingle.
I can't remember how old he was, but his profile was very specific about what he was looking for in a woman. He blatantly said that he was only looking for women who were young, thin, and had good bodies from being former cheerleaders, models, or gymnasts, and no one else need apply.
His reasoning was, "After all, God made men visual." He made it sound like it was his God-given right to have a knockout wife.
Ironically, in the picture he posted of himself, he very clearly had a double chin and most obviously was not a former cheerleader, model, or gymnast himself. (I have to give him at least some credit for posting a supposedly honest picture, but this was back in the day before photoshopping was the norm.) I could just picture this guy counting every calorie a woman ate, and asking her if she'd worked out yet that day, because after all, she would have to maintain her visual appeal for him.
But what about his visual appeal for her to be able to look at in turn? Sure, I realize there's a chance he might snag one of the 3 women on earth who look like models and are extremely visually attracted to men who are their physical opposite.
And I am in no way, shape, or form trying criticize different body types here.
All I'm saying is, one of my biggest turnoffs is when someone tries to use the supposed way God made them as an excuse to hold standards for others that they themselves do not meet.