I'm so glad you turned your idea into a thread!

I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

I had been thinking about this too... In several of the past threads, we've all been talking a little about the people we wouldn't date, so that must mean that we think we have some something to offer that is above those people, even if its just our own dignity!
* If I can offer one thing, it would be financial responsibility, seeing as my parents have drilled that into my head since I was a kid. Even with our allowances, we had to pay a tithe to church and then put aside part of it for savings. If I was given $10 for my birthday, I was promptly instructed that part of it would go to church, half would go in the bank, and I would receive whatever was left. Wowsers. I couldn't even fathom getting to spend a whole $4.50 at once--it was way too overwhelming.

To this day, I still follow those same principles (though of course, I'm not able to save exactly half anymore.)
I pay off debt as soon as possible and try to avoid it at all costs (no pun intended.

* I'm attentive and pay attention to details. I believe in loving someone as madly, passionately, and intensely as possible. If I think he is the right person, I will start calculating how much I can shave off my budget here and there because I will want to surprise him from time to time.
What is he interested in? I will save for a year or however long it takes in order to try to get him something that he is really going to enjoy, even if it's something I know nothing about (I'll just ask him to teach me about it, then try to get him things that would support his hobbies.)
I'm afraid I do have to draw the line at sports, though, meaning, in my head, I'd be planning to try to get him tickets to a game, but would make sure his best friend (or family member who loves the same team) could go with him instead, because I know he'd probably have a much better time with another sports enthusiast.
* I am fiercely loyal, responsible, trustworthy, and organized. Although I hate paperwork and appointments, I will make sure they are all kept track of so that we can hopefully stay ahead of the game. I have often been told that I would make a good secretary or administrative assistant.
* I can be random and spontaneous, and I love to surprise trips. I love "planned spontaneity", like a road trip with no specific stops, or taking off and going to an amusement park or museum for the day. If you have kids, I'll take care of arranging for a trustworthy sitter and so forth in advance. I will ask questions and know enough about your life to know whom you would trust with your kids for such an occasion. If possible, I'll even take care of seeing that you get a day off (if I feel I've made the right connections with your employer and can make the request for you.)
* Cooking isn't one of my great loves, but I can do it when I apply myself, so if I try to make something for you, you know that I'm trying to impress you.
* I have studied the Bible since childhood and while I'm no expert by any means (I constantly have to look things up, rather than memorize them), I would do my best to make worthy contributions to a Bible study or lesson.
* I can start, or contribute to, a variety of different conversations. I may also choose to express my thoughts in writing, so don't be surprised if I tell you, "I had a few things on my mind," and hand you a 20-page letter.

<3 It's my form of a compliment.
* I will want to know all about YOU. I will ask all kinds of questions about you, your thoughts, your childhood, your dreams, and even the things you might not want to talk about, but I will gently see if maybe you might change your mind, and tell me everything about you that there is to know.
* I'm versatile, and can be happy just sitting at home or off exploring the world on a big adventure. I am also a kid at heart. Are there any places, shows, or toys from your childhood that you love? (As you can tell, I love the original 1980's Transformers, particularly Soundwave.) I can be happy watching anything from Bugs Bunny to an intense drama with you. I will also take an interest in anything you are interested in, and try to support you as much as possible (and if I just can't get into something you're into, I will encourage you to join a club or support group that does.)
* I do have a few major caveats--for me, being an intense person means that as intensely loving, supportive, and caring as I can try to be, all the negative emotions I have are just as intense, and that has a tendency to throw people off and break the deal.
Now days, I try my best to let things go or just walk away before it ever gets to that level of intensity, because I honestly hate the feeling of being that angry and try to avoid it whenever I can. However, that also means I might let go of the person I am constantly battling it out with (though of course I realize this isn't an option when it comes to marriage.)
Awesome thread, Tommy.

Hope you'll post a few more!