I completely agree! I am sooooo glad someone finally posted this.
It sometimes feels like guys between the ages of 18-25 have a one track mind - get a girl, get a girl!!! I understand feeling lonely and wanting to find that special someone, but if thats all we can see in you, it is a little unnerving to some of us. (or maybe it's just me) I have never dated a really good Christian guy - and I look forward to the day the Lord brings one into my life. And it would be SO much more special to see that he really loves the Lord. That he really is making an effort to have a relationship with Christ. I will never date a guy who is just looking for a girl to fill the emptiness in his heart - because I know for a fact that I can't fill that hole. It's God's place alone - and yea, I'm sure theres a spot for me in there, but I think you get my meaning.
It's not always easy waiting for the good ones to come along... But if the young Christian guys would get their act together (and im really impressed with a lot of them on here

) then I think you would be that much more attractive to us. Or at least you would to me

I heard a saying once that "A womans heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."
~So it goes both ways:
Girls, hide yourself in Christ (a wonderful song for that is Average Girl by Barlow Girls & Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James)
Guys - Fall in love with the Lord - because He will bring the woman along that He has for you (and I dont have a song for that
