A lot of people world wide who claim Christ celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus and if they so choose then who am I to judge them! Having said that, I for one do not as I do not believe you can "Christianize" a ex Babylonian-Pagan-Catholicized holy day, as that which is crooked cannot be made straight. I know I will catch it for saying that, but the truth is the truth. Read Jeremiah 10:1-8 which describes accurately the practice of sun worship, the cutting down of a tree, nailing it up right and decking it with Gold and Silver. This practice goes all of the way back to the beginning of the worship of the sun, hence being centered around the winter solstice. The R.C.C. teaches a form of church salvation and wanted to get as many pagans in as possible. Hence Christ Mass! The same was done with the worship of fertility gods and it being tied to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and contrary to the King James translators the word Easter in Acts 12:4 is Passover. I have a hard time believing that God would accept the blending of the birth of the righteous Son of God with an ex pagan holy day that has been Christianized and further more it is even more difficult for me to accept that God would receive a blending of the most glorious death, burial and resurrection of the Savior with an ex pagan holy day that celebrated fertility with the use of prostitutes and sexual perversion. That which is crooked CANNOT be made straight no matter how many religions try to CHRISTIANIZE it. On top of that the scriptures clearly teach that if we are going to glory then we are to glory in the CROSS of Christ as without His death, burial and resurrection His birth would have been in vain!