Sorry, Penned, I do think I saw your question yesterday, but at the speed this thread is going, I cannot keep up: I will try to answer the best I can . . .
The way I understand "to confess" (I John 1:9) is that it means literally "to agree with". For the believer this is true of his life - he is agreeing with God - that is - he believes - has faith in Jesus Christ. True confession is not the literal words I say - confession is a heart issue. So in my understanding a believer does not die with unconfessed sin - because in his heart he believes what God says about sin - that is confession.
Your last question: "If YOU are in Christ and HE is in you, and since HE says He will NEVER leave nor forsake you, how could you eject Him from yourself, even if for a time, BEFORE HE DRAWS YOU BACK, you wandered away? He would still be in you, no?"
The first part - Yes, the believer is in Christ and He is in us (John 14)
Next - the promise that he will never leave nor forsake (Hebrews 13:5; Matt. 28:20)
Wonderful truths and wonderful promises for the believer! Amen
Then you use the truths from those verse to ask a rhetorical question mixed with a few phrases or ideas from other verses ("draw you back"). What I am saying is that your question is really unclear, and seems based on a mixture of different verses from different contexts. Therefore is no way I see to give a clear Biblical answer to it because its implications are based on human reasoning, not on clear Biblical text. (My opinion, of course -

- and you are welcome to have your own opinion)
If OSAS was true, there is surely one text somewhere that clearly states it . . . ?????