David222, I would like to welcome you, as you are fairly new and we have not interacted previously. I would also like to affirm your right to hold any opinion you like and your privilege to share it. May I offer a few words of advice though: As your profile says you are a Christian, pause and pray before you post your messages. Ask the Lord to show you things which might need to be re-worded, corrected, or even removed. Also consider how your post might be interpreted by those who hold different views, and how you might offend or even hurt others by your words. I speak from experience, having regretted some of my own early posts.
I've seen enough feminist and anti-feminist material to have a pretty good idea what you're talking about. I think your approach is a little heavy-handed and even borders on misogynistic. Perhaps reframing your position within a sound biblical context will make it more palatable and will generate more healthy discussion. Also, you might want to consider that this is an international forum. The feminist minority in America does not speak for the majority of women even there, let alone across the world.
One last thing: calling anyone a "P man" is offensive to me. Talk like that is going to get you banned in a hurry. Rather let your words reflect Christ's character. Please clean up your language, or I will report you myself. (edit

I see an apology posted later; if that is for the offensive comment, thank you.