If you're so insecure, bitter against women, and unstable that you must spend all your waking hours trying to bully women online (
online, because you could
never do it in person!

) then you have some serious issues that can't be resolved in an online thread.
You have no grasp on the scriptures pertaining to women any more than you understand the verses on self-control, tolerance, love, liberty, dying to self, judging yourself, etc., etc. As Jesus said, you are a viper and a stinking tomb of dead bones. No life in your words at all.
I'm just turning your tables over because you're perverting the church of God by condemning women and putting burdens on them that you yourself can't carry.
Mind you, I'm not posting this for your sake because you're in rebellion and have no intention of accepting correction. Only a fool doesn't accept correction. I'm posting this so the people in their righteous minds will see what a troll you really are and anyone who follows after you.