I thank you beautiful people, you REAL lovers of Jesus, for your encouragement and support in defense of women of God. But precious friends, don’t let renegades of the Truth disturb you anymore. I’m in no way ruffled by the devil’s ventriloquism act. [Acts 16:16] It doesn’t take a Bible scholar to recognize that what some people lack in spiritual understanding they attempt to make up for by repeating the few legalistic ideals they’ve been brainwashed with. They are blind, hand them rascals over to God.
Everything works out beneficially for those who love God, the ones He’s divinely called for His own purpose. [Rom 8:28] Glory to God for His faithfulness, it worked out in this situation as well. When I went to God about this bitter man’s desperate attempt to feel validated by clawing away at the precious CC women in ministry, the Lord [
as usual] turned His Light of Truth on
me and I saw the last remnants of legalism still lingering in my life. YUCK!!
Man, I was shocked and disgusted to realize that I still harbored shreds of law adherence in my heart. [
vomit!!] I was so appalled at myself, that I yelled at God, “I hate false religion, God! Get it out of me, Father!” And it was gone.
Poof! The Truth sets us free.
Thanks to God’s amazing providence, a demonic puppet clamoring against women was the thorn that propelled me out of the cobwebs of manmade, devil-inspired religion of condemnation.
And I laugh to myself wondering what took me so long to realize that
Jesus never spoke Shakespearian English. Omigosh, the absurdity!! Thee, thou, ye, hath… LMBO!!
I can’t believe I forgot that
Jesus & the disciples didn’t carry a bible around quoting it to everyone over & over. The bible wasn’t even written then! Hahahah!!
And Jesus
never hung around with religious people. His friends were ordinary people of the world. Prostitutes, robbers, tax collectors, fishermen, seamstresses, upper class, poor folk, minorities, etc. And by His very meek nature, inspired those ordinary people of the world to reflect His love to other ordinary people in the world.
Jesus never ever got angry with anyone except religious (nuts) zealots who kept quoting scriptures and condemned ordinary people of the world while puffing up themselves.
Jesus never condemned ordinary people of the world. He said, “
Come, follow me.” And
He showed them the way by His own loving actions. He didn’t badger or rebuke ordinary people of the world. He actually warned them NOT to be like the religious (nuts) leaders.
The church is literally the Spirit of Jesus Christ and wherever He chooses to abide in the hearts of people.
There is no such thing as a right denomination or a right church. Jesus is the Head, we are the Body. That’s it.
If Jesus called you,
you already know the way because He is the Way. If your spirit eyes are on Him, you’re right on course. You need an answer, ask Him. He’s faithful and will answer you. No man can answer for God. God is great & holy enough to speak for Himself.
The reason Christ was crucified was because it was God’s plan. Period. But the motivation to kill Him came from
people who wanted to be in control of others and Jesus was setting people free of being controlled. That screwed up their plans.
The Lord set us free from the guilt of religion and the shame of condemnation. The ones who are using the bible to hammer guilt & shame over your heads are the very ones who have no spiritual sight. If they did, they’d be set free to act like an ordinary person, the kind Jesus hung around. They would
not be quoting scriputre over & over like a lifeless puppet.
Remember how the devil wore Jesus to a frazzle on the mountain by using scripture over & over to tempt Him? Well,
we were set free from that insanity. We can be the kind of people Jesus likes to hang with. And in that way, He can reach other ordinary people in the world to Himself. Isn’t that fantastic news?
Are women allowed to preach? N-O-T-H-I-N-G is impossible with God. Anyone who says otherwsie is a liar and the truth ain't in him or her.
Man, God is so faithful and nice!!! I love Him!
This is my last post on this thread. Blessings to all you beautiful set-free people!
❤ Praise God!