I have found so much clarity comparing translations. KJV, ESV, CJB, NASB, AMP, ASV, WMB, TLV, GW, and even the message bible, though that last one is often for entertainment because It is funny sometimes. To be honest, though, it has helped too, as long as I use it correctly (in comparison).
I think using different translations can help with memorization too because in taking one verse and comparing it with many translations, one starts meditating on the words. I do not compare every verse, just when I do not understand, which some days has me comparing often and regular, lol.
I trust the spirit will get me where I need to be, as I do not put my faith in a particular translation, but in His guidance, opening up the word to me. Of course, my pastor and other commentators help too. I appreciate how the bible is not left to any one person's interpretation.