That doesn't make sense.
You say sorry because you want forgiveness.
Only difference is that God with His love and grace forgives us,while it's more uncertain if people will be so,loving.
Our forgiveness isn't dependent upon God's present mercy, but Jesus' once and for all sacrifice for all time for all sin. God in His mercy sent Jesus, the Son of God, to die on our behalf and get rid of the thing that alienated us from God. VVe are now reconciled.
In the present moment, now, our forgiveness isn't dependent upon our actions, but the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. You must remember, God is faithful and you are in a covenant with Him. Your part is to believe the Gospel and His part is to extend grace and forgiveness through His Son. You are in a covenant of grace and not law.
In actuality, and by His own doing, He has made it to where He
must forgive you because Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the world. God has made a covenant through Jesus with man, that if you will believe in His Son He will remember your sins no more and Jesus will impute His righteousness to you. You are justified before God. Your sin no longer alienates and condemns you, because its penalty has been paid through Jesus' sacrifice. You are reconciled to God, by His will and doing.