For that to be true there would not be evidence of a single scripture that pertains or speaks of man's free will.
Remember people, claiming God made you without the capacity to exercise choice, which is a product of free will, is disparaging God in who's image and likeness you are made. Because God has a will, God is compassionate, God is gracious, all qualities that you, made in His likeness, would then possess.
God gave us total free till the Fall happened. After that, we have extremely limited freedom to make decisions. You have proven nothing but that you know nothing, and you do not read the posts people write, which clearly explain Reformed theology. The fact that you won't call it by its proper name, shows what a stubborn and ignorant person you are. You are the one disparaging God, saying he cannot do whatever he wills.
"Our God is in heaven!
He does whatever he pleases!" Pdalm 115:3
Deuteronomy 30:19, 20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
Context is national not personal. God was speaking to the nation of Israel, not individuals about free will. And the limitation that makes it NOT free will, is that it was about the nation choosing to sin, or not sin. Those have always been the parameters of our will, since the fall!
Matthew 22:35-37 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
No clue what this is about in your mind. Nothing to do with an unlimited free will. Jesus is talking about 2 commandments, this one, and love your neighbour as yourself, which he says next. Maybe instead of copying and pasting scripture and scripture, you could exegete how it proves your point?
John 7:17 If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority.
Goodness! This is Jesus talking about himself, and how he does God's will! Did you google the word "will" and this is what came up?"
Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
This is talking to Christians. Jesus feels they have shut the door on him. It is not an invitation to unbelievers. In fact, it is best described as a warning, not to sin. Again, well within the limitations of our limited will.
Doctrines that insist man has no free will, no capacity to choose, are saying God controls everything at all times.
That is not true. God is sovereign, yes! However, God has said Himself that He does not at all times control every little thing happening here. As we read about God's restraint toward Babylon in Isaiah 42.
13The Lord goes out like a mighty man,
like a man of war he stirs up his zeal;
he cries out, he shouts aloud,
he shows himself mighty against his foes.
14 For a long time I have held my peace;
I have kept still and restrained myself;
now I will cry out like a woman in labor;
I will gasp and pant.
15 I will lay waste mountains and hills,
and dry up all their vegetation;
I will turn the rivers into islands,[c]
and dry up the pools.
God let Babylon behave as they chose. Until He decided to not do that anymore. If God was always in control of all things all the time? Think about that. Think about what that would mean for all humanity just as concerns the construct of Salvation/ Damnation!
It's God playing chess. And we're the pawns. Forever.
This is your problem! You really don't believe in the sovereignty of God. You have a weak, impotent God, instead of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God. God is always in control, and is above time. He always knows what is going to happen, because he is not confined within time, as we mere morals are. One day, you will understand this. But until then, I'm not going to deal with the rest. Your ignorance in hermeneutics bores me to tears. Your are completely clueless about how to correctly divide the word. I am saying this to you, not necessarily all Arminians.
Remember people, claiming God made you without the capacity to exercise choice, which is a product of free will, is disparaging God in who's image and likeness you are made. Because God has a will, God is compassionate, God is gracious, all qualities that you, made in His likeness, would then possess.
God gave us total free till the Fall happened. After that, we have extremely limited freedom to make decisions. You have proven nothing but that you know nothing, and you do not read the posts people write, which clearly explain Reformed theology. The fact that you won't call it by its proper name, shows what a stubborn and ignorant person you are. You are the one disparaging God, saying he cannot do whatever he wills.
"Our God is in heaven!
He does whatever he pleases!" Pdalm 115:3
Deuteronomy 30:19, 20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
Context is national not personal. God was speaking to the nation of Israel, not individuals about free will. And the limitation that makes it NOT free will, is that it was about the nation choosing to sin, or not sin. Those have always been the parameters of our will, since the fall!
Matthew 22:35-37 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
No clue what this is about in your mind. Nothing to do with an unlimited free will. Jesus is talking about 2 commandments, this one, and love your neighbour as yourself, which he says next. Maybe instead of copying and pasting scripture and scripture, you could exegete how it proves your point?
John 7:17 If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority.
Goodness! This is Jesus talking about himself, and how he does God's will! Did you google the word "will" and this is what came up?"
Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
This is talking to Christians. Jesus feels they have shut the door on him. It is not an invitation to unbelievers. In fact, it is best described as a warning, not to sin. Again, well within the limitations of our limited will.
Doctrines that insist man has no free will, no capacity to choose, are saying God controls everything at all times.
That is not true. God is sovereign, yes! However, God has said Himself that He does not at all times control every little thing happening here. As we read about God's restraint toward Babylon in Isaiah 42.
13The Lord goes out like a mighty man,
like a man of war he stirs up his zeal;
he cries out, he shouts aloud,
he shows himself mighty against his foes.
14 For a long time I have held my peace;
I have kept still and restrained myself;
now I will cry out like a woman in labor;
I will gasp and pant.
15 I will lay waste mountains and hills,
and dry up all their vegetation;
I will turn the rivers into islands,[c]
and dry up the pools.
God let Babylon behave as they chose. Until He decided to not do that anymore. If God was always in control of all things all the time? Think about that. Think about what that would mean for all humanity just as concerns the construct of Salvation/ Damnation!
This is your problem! You really don't believe in the sovereignty of God. You have a weak, impotent God, instead of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God. God is always in control, and is above time. He always knows what is going to happen, because he is not confined within time, as we mere morals are. One day, you will understand this. But until then, I'm not going to deal with the rest. Your ignorance in hermeneutics bores me to tears. Your are completely clueless about how to correctly divide the word. I am saying this to you, not necessarily all Arminians.
See bolded blue large quotes within your quote!
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