I think I could sum up my response to all replies to my post like this:
I'm not sure how I'd answer if I was asked if someone could be saved/unsaved based on whether they observe the 7th Day/Saturday Sabbath or not, but I don't necessarily have a dog in that particular fight.
All debates can be simplified to the most basic element so let me just propose this simplification of the concept.
-Who blessed the 7th day of the week?
-Who commanded that it be remembered or observed as a day of worship?
-Who blessed the 1st day of the week?
-Who commanded that it be remembered or observed as a day of worship?
If we're talking about how Sunday came to be the modern, mainstream Christian day of worship using all of history, according to the Bible, as a reference, there are only two days of the week with which to choose from.
If 'Man' covers the answers for one of those days and 'God' is the answer for the other, where do 'YOU' stand?
I'm not sure how I'd answer if I was asked if someone could be saved/unsaved based on whether they observe the 7th Day/Saturday Sabbath or not, but I don't necessarily have a dog in that particular fight.
All debates can be simplified to the most basic element so let me just propose this simplification of the concept.
-Who blessed the 7th day of the week?
-Who commanded that it be remembered or observed as a day of worship?
-Who blessed the 1st day of the week?
-Who commanded that it be remembered or observed as a day of worship?
If we're talking about how Sunday came to be the modern, mainstream Christian day of worship using all of history, according to the Bible, as a reference, there are only two days of the week with which to choose from.
If 'Man' covers the answers for one of those days and 'God' is the answer for the other, where do 'YOU' stand?
Colossians 2:16-17 specifically says that the Sabbath and festivals no longer apply.
Sometimes Sabbath observers try to twist these verses to say that the Colossians were the observers, and others were judging them for observance. First question I'd ask is who is usually doing the judging, both in the New Testament and today? In the New Testament it was Judaizers; today it is usually the cultic fringe of Sabbath observers who claim it's required of all believers, and those who don't keep it are in sin. Colossians 2:16-17 addresses a group of people who were judging, and as Acts 15, Galatians, and Philippians 3 indicate, Judaizers love to judge.
Christians are free to observe whatever day they want. Romans 14 states this plainly. Most of us choose the day of the resurrection, because we worship the resurrected Christ.
The Sabbath was never given to Gentiles anyways, It was a sign of the Mosaic covenant between God and Israel (Exodus 31).
Where did God command Gentiles to observe the Sabbath? Why isn't Sabbath-breaking included in the sin lists to the Gentiles? Why did Jesus appear to disciples on Sunday twice after the resurrection, but never on a Sabbath, that it was recorded? Why don't we read about conflicts between Christian slaves and their Gentile masters concerning keeping the Sabbath if it is a requirement?
I stand with the risen Christ and worship on the day of his resurrection
Claiming the Sabbath is in effect is in essence the same thing as claiming that physical circumcision is required under the New Covenant. Physical circumcision and Sabbath observance were signs of the Mosaic Covenant, which is no longer in effect. I'm not an Israelite under the Mosaic Covenant.
However, I have no issue with others choosing Saturday as a worship day. Romans 14 grants that liberality...choose whatever day you want. Don't judge others as being inferior or unsaved over it, though, like I did as an Armstrongite. It is not the "test commandment" for a New Covenant believer, unlike the cultic fringes of Sabbath observers claim.
In fact, I wouldn't mind going to a Christ-centered fellowship, with solid doctrine, that met on Sabbath and observed the festivals, IF they didn't claim other Christians needed to observe them. Unfortunately all groups I know about in this area are weirdos like the cult I was involved with, who are engaged in judging other Christians as unsaved or inferior spiritually. No thanks. I spent enough of my life hanging out with such individuals. I've met a few Messianic Jews (from Jews for Jesus) that seem to be cool, but a lot of them are weird as well, denying the full deity of Christ, the Triune nature of God, the writings of Paul, and accepting extra-biblical writings as inspired or authoritative. And, until the Seventh Day Adventist church quits quoting Ellen G. White, imposing extra-biblical dietary requirements, claiming Sunday observers are potentially going to be under the Mark of the Beast, and practicing elective abortions in their health care facilities, I have no regard for them either, although I like most of the SDAs I've met.
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