What I don't understand is why YECs try so hard to prove scientifically that the earth et al is around 6,000 years old.
YECs can not make an intelligent argument scientifically for a 6,000-year-old earth, a global flood, or that dinosaurs coexisted with humans.
( Look out! Get ready! Here come the personal insults... )
YECs just make themselves look foolish when they attempt to do so.
You may believe the Bible is true, but you can not point to what Bible, specifically, is without error.
This is where [ real ] faith comes in...
God said that He would preserve His Word. If a person believes that, then they are going to believe that His Word is without error -- at least, enough to not become too far separated from the Truth of His Word. What I mean by this is - if a name in the N.T. is spelled differently than it is in the O.T. ( in an English translation, for example ), that does not "run against" the Truth of the scriptures.