Maybe you guys are not aware of this but the Christ that's in the newer translation, the one that's a son of the gods, had an origin etc. is the same Christ that occultist Alice Bailey preached. If you've never heard of Alice Bailey or Marilyn Ferguson I urge you to check them out, they lay out the plans for bringing in the new age Christ. This philosophy permeates society at every level, arts, movies, tv, music, business, education, religion and CHRISTIANITY.
The excerpt below is taken from Alice Bailey's book
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy.
The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished. I indicate the hope. I do not assert a fact. Its work is intended to be the holding of a broad platform. The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas.
The [511] church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance
. The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated.