I'm sure you sincerely do...just like Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe Christ being Michael the Archangel is nothing more than a created being, Catholics sincerely believe the Popes "hold upon this place (the throne of Peter in the Vatican) the place of God Almighty" and each is "Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under veil of flesh", Muslims sincerely believe blowing up infidels secures them 72 virgins.
and you believe one has to do good works and abstain from sin in order to prove salvation.
you believe God has a sliding scale as to how much sin disqualifies one from salvation, but it is mystery as to how much, or what kind,
and. most importantly, you think faith in Christ IS NOT ENOUGH FOR SALVATION.
so, your wrong beliefs go right on the list you just made.
trusting any of those, or yours, will land a soul in hell.
only faith and trust in Jesus Christ will , and nothing , nothing, nothing else saves souls.
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