Confess what? Jesus already forgave us ALL of our sins. From the point that you become His child, His Holy Spirit in us is our Teacher. We now can follow the Shepherd’s Voice. If we get weak and fall, He picks us up. If we get tempted, He gives us a way of escape. If we are in error, He shows us the right way. If someone accuses us, He is our Advocate. We are forgiven. IT’S FINISHED!! THAT’S THE END OF IT!! No more groveling around like an unholy worm in false humility. You are a holy vessel of God in the spiritual realm and He is making you more and more into the image of His Son Jesus Christ. IT IS THE MIRACULOUS WORK OF GOD!
We do not live in the carnal world anymore. We are validated only in the spirit by Jesus Christ. We don’t judge things by appearances any more. It is a spiritual life now. Jesus says, “This is the way, walk in it.” Walk according to the spirit of life in Jesus Christ, not according to your “logical” mind.
Since when does Jesus ever say, “Wait - - - what did you do wrong today? Did you sin against me? Ooops, you must first confess all your sins before proceeding further. Wait… you forgot to mention yesterday’s sins. And what about last week when you messed up. Oops, you just had an evil thought. That’s another strike. Do you also recall all the worthless things you said to the neighbors? You forgot to mention all the vain words you spoke. And all the times you didn't say prayers. And all the times you watched television instead of reading the Bible. What about your envy and your anger and your unforgiveness? And didn’t you eat junk food for dinner last night? Wow, these demerits are adding up fast! Looks like you're unworthy. Start confessing them sins. You got a bunch of 'em and time's a'wastin!"
THAT'S INSANE!!!!!!!!!!
We would be on our knees forever if we were to confess all of our sins because THERE’S NOTHING GOOD IN OUR FLESH!! Good luck finding anything pure in your carnal mind. We don’t rely on our own efforts, we are banking everything on the Spirit of Jesus Christ in us. Nothing of ourselves. You are crucified with Christ, it is no longer YOUR FLESH which has any merit. It is CHRIST in YOU! He gets all the glory. You get to rest now and just follow Him.
People try so hard to be obedient to God in their flesh and try to understand His Word in their carnal nature. They follow laws, create formulas, and try to explain things logically that only God Himself can reveal to us by His Holy Spirit. It's never gonna happen in the carnal realm! Your flesh will never, ever change or become holy and acceptable. Nor your carnal “common sense” mind.
We are never going to be congratulated by God for anything we are quite capable of doing in the flesh by our own free will and being aware of our own performance. That is totally carnal! Only when we are aware of Jesus Christ alone in a matter is God pleased.
All we can do is seek the Lord Himself, speak to Him, listen to His voice, focus your heart's desires on Him, rest in Him, hope in Him, cast everything onto Him. A relationship with Christ Jesus. That is all He wants from us. The LORD wants our heart. When we are empty of the flesh, He will do His will through us, there won't be any praying about, "What is Your will for me?" He would be working His purposes out through you when you are surrendered to Him like that. And we will find rest.
Unless God builds the house, we labor in vain trying to do works for Him. If it's not God doing His will through us, it is wood, hay and stubble. And when we stand before Him, all of those self-willed works will be consumed in a fire as no good. If it isn't God Himself doing the thing, it is worthless. We cannot conjure up in our own flesh anything worthy of the holiness of God.
An empty vessel. That's what God wants. The Lord works out His purposes through a totally surrendered soul. To trust God is to believe He can do as He says. He performs His will through us. He gets all the glory forever. And we get HIM!!!!