What about George Bush VCO? He is a prime example of Fox lies and deceptions.
As far as the WMDs, Saddam's poison gas shells reappeared, being used by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against the rebel forces trying to over throw him.
Do you know how long it takes to Drive for Baghdad to the Syrian border?
Approximately 90 minutes.
NOW How long after the War started until we PUBLICALLY announce we knew where the WMDs might be located in Baghdad?
The War started on March 19, 2003.
Public announcement of "We know where the WMDs might be located in Baghdad", came on March 30, 2003.
When did our Troops first enter Baghad.
That would have given Saddam six days to move the weapons he did not want to be caught with to Syria.
When did Syrian President Bashar al-Assad use poison gas on the rebels, which is a weapon Saddam was famous for?
That would be Aug. 22, 2013, and NO BODY seems to even think, THERE IS PART OF THE MISSING WMDs.
NOW, do you not think that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad might be sitting on a whole lot more of Saddam WMDs?