Same to you, go on thinking your special and God has predestined people to hell apart from giving them any opportunity or chance to be saved. If that makes you feel better, so be it..
And thanks for again being like many of your brothers.. It is sad ow most of you peopple act. If you only knew how this makes you and your position look.
And thanks for again being like many of your brothers.. It is sad ow most of you peopple act. If you only knew how this makes you and your position look.
1. In the begining God created the heavens and earth.
2. God knew the end from the beginning.
This means he saw who would follow him. Calvinists say he touches them to believe. Arminianists say they decide by themselves to believe.
The issue revolves around a verse in KJV that states "the carnal mind is enmity against God". Calvinists state that only God can overcome it while Arminianists say the person is able to overcome it with hearing the gospel along with the aid of people leading them to Jesus.
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