I've already told you...the revelation of the Father of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus gave an example of it...Peter...Matthew 16.
He also gives an example of some who recognize Jesus in the same...Matthew 7...who are not saved. He tells why...I never knew you.
True salvation always has an attending spiritual element present.
What do you think it means that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation?
Let me say this, I am a traditionalist, the correct view of scripture, the one that is free from Augustine and Aquinas influence.
Traditionalist believe at times throughout history God does intervene to determine some things. That is what makes these things “of God” and uniquely supernatural.
We do not believe, however, these unique divine determinations prove God’s meticulous determination of
ALL things.
And to put it bluntly this is where you err.
So there is nothing more to be stated on this since this is how the unfolding of God's plan of redemption needs to be understood.
Since you hold this Augustinian view of the "nature of fallen man"....
Is it not God who designed this fallen nature, is not He put this supposed inability/constraints in place?
Did God not design the fallen man a slave to sin?
The limitations you place on fallen man, in your doctrine are there by God's design.
This is your determinism.
So then God is responsible for the sins of man...... because that is the fallen nature He gave them, they have no choice/volition .....
and they cannot respond to the Good News and exercise "belief" to escape, unless God allows/intervenes and allows them the escape route.
This is your doctrine laid bare. All you can do is say yes that is what I believe.