@Rufus re: 2Cor3-4 cont'd
Firstly, why do you skip some of the foundational context of 2Cor4? I’ll begin in 2Cor3
For clarity I’m going to focus on Paul and will later pick up Timothy (Silvanus is also mentioned but I’m not focusing on this):
3:6 God made Paul sufficient/qualified [as a] servant/minister of the NC of [the] Spirit – the Spirit gives life
- This is important for 4:6
There were 2 ministries/administrations going on in Paul’s time:
- Moses’ ministry:
- Written on stones 3:7
- A ministry of death 3:7
- Glorious but passing away 3:7
- Condemnation 3:9a
- Moses veiled his face so Israel could not stare at the end of his ministry’s glory that was passing away 3:13
- The minds/thoughts of [some of] Israel were hardened – the same veil remained and was being laid on their hearts when the OC (Moses) was read 3:14a, 3:15
- The Spirit’s ministry:
- The spirit gives life 3:6
- Will be more glorious than Moses’ ministry 3:8
- A greater, remaining ministry of righteousness 3:9b, 3:10b, 3:11b
- Paul employed much boldness because he had hope/confidence in the NC ministry of the life-giving Spirit 3:12
- The Mosaic veil is made powerless in/by Christ – the veil is removed when [a man] turns to the Lord 3:14b, 3:16
- The Lord is the Spirit – where the Spirit the Lord [is] Freedom [is]! 3:17
- Christians:
- Have had their face unveiled when they actively turned to Christ and became Christian
- Are looking at/contemplating the Lord’s glory as in a mirror
- Are being transformed into the same image
- from glory into glory
- As from the Lord the Spirit
Please note that the only mention of conversion is
when a man actively turns to the Lord. When a man turns to the Lord, the veil is wiped out & removed, the new Christian has Freedom in Christ, is contemplating the Lord’s glory as in a mirror, and is being transformed into the same image.
Then 2Cor4 Paul’s ministry of the NC life-giving Spirit and all that the Christian has in Christ when
he turns to the Lord:
- Paul has this ministry – he has received mercy – he does not lose heart – he has renounced shameful hidden things – he is not walking in cleverness – he is not falsifying/adulterating God’s Word/Message – in God’s presence he is disclosing the truth and thereby presenting himself to each conscience of men 4:1-2
- Even if Paul’s Gospel (God’s Word/Message) has been veiled – it has [only] been veiled in the [men] who are perishing = those unbelieving men whose minds/thoughts were blinded (see above highlighted info under Moses ministry 3:14a, 3:15) by the god of that age so the light/enlightenment of the Gospel of the glory of Christ – who is the image of God – does not shine forth 4:3-4
- To make clear 4:1-4: because [the Creator] God shone in Paul’s heart toward the goal of enlightenment of the knowledge of God’s glory in Christ’s face 4:6 - Paul says he is proclaiming Christ Jesus Lord – he is not proclaiming himself – on behalf of Jesus he is the slave of those he proclaims Christ Jesus Lord to 4:5
As I understand you, you’ve made this an example of how God according to your highlighted NIV
MADE HIS light shine in
our hearts. In light of your presuppositions this must be God dragging sinners to salvation as you say “No sinner participates in, or helps with, or
cooperates or facilitates that work of God.”
Yet in the clear context of this section of Scripture:
- Paul says [unbelievers] actively turn to the Lord – this does NOT say they are passively turned to the Lord by someone or something else. This is human response to the enlightenment contained in the Gospel of Christ’s Glory. If we're going to discuss human choice and response, we can do so right here.
- Because of what God did in their hearts to enlighten them of the knowledge of Christ’s glory 4:6 – Paul and Timothy are proclaiming Christ Jesus Lord 4:5
- So, 4:6 explains the cause for Paul’s proclaiming in 4:5. It does not explain what God does to every unbeliever as He did to Paul. There is some discussion to be had here, but it is not from your presupposition of men do nothing as Paul clearly explains in 2Cor3.
- Going back to 3:6: Paul says God made them qualified as ministers of the NC ministry of the Spirit. 4:6 explains how.
- If we want to see the miracle that took place with Paul, we can read in Acts about the Lord’s shining a great light at Paul and explaining who He is. Paul later taught Timothy per 2Tim2
- It is Paul’s proclamation of God’s Word/Message – the truth – the enlightening Gospel – that enlightens men – God is shining the enlightenment/light of the Gospel to enlighten the hearts and minds of men through men to men.
You’re forcing the language to go beyond what it says. The NIV is not helping you read this Text accurately.
You’re also negating what the Text clearly says in context about [some] men actively turning to the Lord. God enlightens with His Gospel and [some] men respond – they turn to the Lord. Your reference to John3 is helpful when both types of men are considered.
God very specifically enlightened men like Paul in the first century. He graced Paul with a great light, with His audible voice, with the enlightening explanation of who He is. His enlightening Gospel message has been proclaimed since then.
You seem intent on lessening the power and light contained in God’s Word – God’s Message – God’s Gospel of the glory of Christ Jesus Lord – the NC ministry of the life-giving Spirit.