re: 1Jn2:18's "...[according-] as
ye have heard that antichrist
quoting from old post, here:]
In a different thread, I pointed out how the phrase
"ye have heard" is used
elsewhere in Scripture (
ex. scattered throughout Matt5, namely vv.21,27,33,38,43... speaking of actual OT references--this is the
purpose of the
"ye have heard" phrase [not
mere "rumours"])
He says, "
YE HAVE HEARD that antichrist
cometh" (stating fact), and then says, "EVEN NOW many antichrists
HAVE ARISEN" (stating fact). [...]
The writer is directing their attention to what was before them in
their present day time-frame ("many antichrists [plural] HAVE ARISEN"--
even/and [kai] NOW...
[end quoting post excerpt]
Back in Dan9:[27a/b/c] 26b it had said, "[the prince that]
note: after "the Messiah the Prince shall be
CUT OFF and have nothing" v.26
a [
SEQUENTIALLY]), and the word for
"prince" (v.26
b [again
SEQUENTIALLY *after* v.26
a!!]) is shown in the Septuagint (LXX [Greek OT]; "
hegeomai [G2233]") as meaning:
iii. a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief, leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or leaders of the churches
iv. used of any kind of leader, chief, commander
v. the leader in speech, chief, spokesman
...like is used in:
--Matt2:6 ['[one]
LEADING' https://biblehub.com/text/matthew/2-6.htm (speaking of Jesus, here)],
--Lk22:26 ['[the one]
https://biblehub.com/text/luke/22-26.htm ],
--Act7:10 ['[appointed him]
over Egypt and all his house]'
https://biblehub.com/text/acts/7-10.htm (speaking of Joseph, v.9)],
--Act14:12 ['[the]
CHIEF [speaker]'],
Act15:22 [same/similar re: CHIEF among],
--Heb13:7 ['[those]
LEADING [you]'
https://biblehub.com/text/hebrews/13-7.htm ],
17,24 [same]
[same word as in
LXX of Dan11:22 "
PRINCE of the covenant" (not saying this
necessarily is the same person)]
[note also "
whose COMING is after the working of Satan..." 2Th2:9a]
bottom line: this is who [they would have]
meaning, from OT SCRIPTURES
JUST LIKE Matthew 5 means when it
repeatedly uses
this identical phrase!)