Thank you for the compliment! I should trust scholars? If they fearing God and obeying his word, no problem. But there a lot of them which changing the word according their own wisedom and there own doctrine.
In Math. 5:28 the matter is to have lust with an woman. You can see it in both ways. But ok i can see it also from your point.
But please tell me, how do you know that the woman in 9,20 is married? I better trust the word in the hope that the translaters not all are wrong.
In Math. 5:28 the matter is to have lust with an woman. You can see it in both ways. But ok i can see it also from your point.
But please tell me, how do you know that the woman in 9,20 is married? I better trust the word in the hope that the translaters not all are wrong.
Again you are refusing to accept the proper context of Matthew 5:28 which you seem to do in a lot of cases just to defend your position. If you refuse to acknowledge the context of any portion of scripture where you have a predispositional bias then you will always be wrong and understanding with the Bible this telling you.
It's not the translators that are wrong it is your understanding what they write that is wrong and even given the Greek you refuse to accept that Paul does not exclude women from any part of the church. By this time most reasonable people would understand but you are so inculcated by your own pride that you refuse to acknowledge what is clear to most in Scripture and I'm not going to attempt to unbrainwash a brainwashed person.