Think about this, YOU, her loving, devoted, faithful husband, hurt her so bad, that she no longer wants to spend her life with you and is willing to divorce you. HER one and only God given life.
Divorce is never good, but if she cannot find the time, space to heal, and you are unwilling to change the words you speak to her, and she truly believes you mean it, then it will be a form of hell for the rest of your lives, what misery? I know because I have experienced in a family situation, but not with a husband.
A woman needs emotional taking care of, and happiness, and if she doesn't have it, her husband who if he believes he is to love her as Christ loved the church, then he will set aside some of his own goals and needs to get her back on track. Can your kids, if you have them, bring her happiness?
Anyway, different beliefs,
1. All things are fixable
2. All things are not fixable
I am of the second belief. It works with the body, you lose a limb, you still live, but do you ever walk the same, usually not. A broken heart, do you then move on to ever trust in the same way again, NO, you learn and live. You learn how to handle each relationship.
So, Pastor will help, but listen to all the support you can get.
Here is a website you may want to check out,
Fathers United for Equal Rights Foundation, Inc., Phone 301-927-7638
Although you may not live in Maryland, this website may be of some help to you and your wife.
Information about:
Separation & Agreements
Child Custody
Child Access (visitation)
Child Support (financial)
Daycare Issues
Abuse Allegations
Alienation & Alimony
Property Disposition