Being ready for marriage is absolutely vital even if it means very few would get married if we are rash and jump into it without being prepared for it well... why do you think divorce is so common among marriages? I would consider the reason for getting married, yes the main reason is because you love them but how far will you go for them?
When you are getting married the vows are normally this - I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded(husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. everyone says these vows but the vows don't always stick do they? When people say these vows at their weddings I don't think they really understand what they are promising I mean marriage is a sacred ceremony in which two people who are deeply in love become on being in mind heart and soul it isn't to be taken lightly and when you make these vows you need to say them as if they are written in stone you have to be prepared to hold to these vows even through the harshest of hell even if you have to end up taking care of the person like a small child who cannot get out of bed because in sickness and in health sometimes unforeseen things happen and may make the spouse unable to even move out bed.
When you get married are you prepared to go that far for them? are you prepared to have take care of them like that or have to deal with severe illness and having the bills rise insanely for medication to keep your spouse alive? are you prepared to see the darkest side of them even if you don't think such a darkness exists in them are you prepared to go through stress anger and the harshness and unfairness life deals us and love them just as much as you did at your wedding?
If and when Steph and I get married when I see her in that gown although that is already how I see her I have no doubt life will be harsh and I am prepared to deal with all of this and more it may not happen things may never get that bad but I am prepared to go that far and to deal with all of this and yet I will still only see her as I saw her in her wedding gown.
True love is blind to any physical features and true love is able to see the darkest side of the person yet still love them the same if not more true love will go through ninth circle of hell for the one they love.