I think you should date someone with the intention to find someone for marriage but I think you have to get to know the person well before you make that huge decision on whether they would make a great partner for life. Otherwise there's far too much pressure and anxiety. Isn't there already enough of that without having to complicate things further by insisting that you date only one person and marry that same person, no questions asked?
It's like my goodly grandma would say on dating. "It's not that you have to date only one person, you just have to date with a clear conscience. Don't expect anything more than paying for the girl's meal or movie ticket."
She called it Dates for Dinners approach.
It's how she met my goodly grandpa (and also being a poor farm girl during early 1950s era got to enjoy a few free meals lol). Nothing wrong with taking a nice girl out to dinner to talk to her and get to know her better so as to render a fairer judgement to see if you'll both be compatible. And if you two just ain't right for eachother, well simply you can just stop going on dates and thus there's none of that "break-up" drama.
I would sorta hope people would want to get to know their prospective spouse a little bit better before making such a life altering decision myself. Though I suppose this isn't totally necessary, if we look at institution of parentally arranged marriage, or a semi-arranged marriage (meaning allowed to date/talk to prospective matches a lil bit, but parents have the final say) though the idea seems bonkers in Western mindset, these are actually some of strongest marriages in the world statistically speaking, so I suppose that variety of marriage without dating can also work.