The whole thing about the Illuminati is just complete nonsensical and childish. Every time something bad happens in this world or when politicians talk about a "one world government" there are people who actually believe they will one day will take over or something. And everything about the all seeing eye is just complete...nonsense to me. The world will never be totally controlled by some entity, not even by the Antichrist, as the book of Daniel reveals to us. Satan tried it at Babel and failed; he will try it again but he will fail again, Christ will interfere and make those days shortened or no flesh would be saved.
I know this comment will make a lot of people here frustrated but quite frankly I don't care about what or who the Illuminati is/are. Sure, evil and the devil exist and Christians should be aware of that. But don't come up to me and say there's this "secret society", c'mon, we must start acting like grownups.
I have realized over the last couple of years that most of the people who talk about the Illuminati are skaters, drug dealers, rasta guys, Alex Jones conspiracy theorists and Zionism and Jew-hating conspiracy Muslims and I don't want to be associated with those kind of people.