Men are all about looks? Really? Interesting since most of the women I've ever dated did not fall under the category of "mainstream beauty".
The first time I ever hard truly strong feeling for a girl i was 17. I was crazy about her. Even thought about marrying her, and we weren't even dating. Physically she was plain, a little chunky, bad acne. She dressed in a modest manner. Going by strictly appearances few guys would even notice her. But I thought she was great. I enjoyed who she was. And I did see some physical attraction as well, but not because she was a "model".
Even with Silly, she's short and a bit overweight, so, again, not part of the "mainstream beauty" look of skinny bombshells. But I find her to be absolutely beautiful and sexy. But above all it's who she is that I fell in love with.
I could go on with more examples, but won't.
Yes, I require someone that is physically attractive to me. But by My standards of attractive, and those do not always fall in line with what many consider beautiful.
Victoria Secret models are, in my opinion, too scrawny. Many have pretty faces, but bodies like 10 year old boys. No thanks. I I like women.
I have dated some "mainstream" beauty types. They liked me because I got to know them, not just their looks. It was something new for them.