Okay so I don't get this. when a women asks her hubby or boyfriend does this make me look fat you say no and you are being honest. why do they never believe you?
Because women want say one thing and mean another. It's the most annoying thing women do, and I absolutely refuse to act this way.
Women, in general, when asking whether or not they "look fat" in this are really asking an ulterior question in an effort to get you to look up at them, pay attention to them, and pay them a compliment. In their mind, they imagine the conversation something like this:
Woman:"Sweety, do I look fat in this?"
Man: *looks up...does double take* "Why darling, you look downright <insert appropriate compliment here>!"
I, as one woman, find it to be sneaky and underhanded behavior. It is a betrayal of trust for the man, because he cannot count on his wife to say what she means. It was a conversation my late-husband and I had early on. I told him if I asked him if I looked fat, and he said no, I don't want my friend to be like, "Girl, that outfit makes you look pregnant!" That happens, I'm coming home mad. If I wanted a compliment, I would simply tell him.
The conversation went like this.
Me: "I'm feeling pretty. Kiss me and tell me I'm pretty?" (smiling)
Storm: "You are lovely, my Rose. I love you."
Me: "Hello, love! Isn't this a lovely dress (hairdo, pair of shoes, etc.)? I really like it!"
Husband: "Yes, my rose. It is lovely and so are you.

Or, sometimes, the answer would be, "Meh, I don't like it. It makes you look...." Either way, I asked a question, so I should expect an answer to be an honest one, and not use the question as a wheedling, childish way to force your man to give you a compliment, OR ELSE!
Anyway, I'll just add it to my growing list of pet peeves. Sigh.