An Armstrongite is one who follows the teachings of Herbert Armstrong. I used to be one of them. He apparently belongs to one of the splinter groups that descended from them. He made some unsolicited remarks about my testimony concerning leaving them after coming to a better understanding of God's grace.
As I've mentioned to you I have no problem with Sabbath keepers if they don't hold that non Sabbath keepers are still in their sins and unbelievers.
Here's some of the heretical teachings associated with Armstrong's followers:
As I've mentioned to you I have no problem with Sabbath keepers if they don't hold that non Sabbath keepers are still in their sins and unbelievers.
Here's some of the heretical teachings associated with Armstrong's followers:
If this post is an effort to say that anytime a Christian has a false idea of God, then everything about them is false? If that is the purpose of this post, then you are asking us to discount everything you say.