What we have here is a difference in interpretation of certain bible verses.
You have the YECs who interpret certain verses such that you end up with a 6,000-year-old worldview, which includes not only a young earth but humans coexisting with dinosaurs and a global flood. Then you have others like you and me with a contrary interpretation. Obviously you have contrary interpretations on many issues like women in the ministry, the rapture, and on and on that get debated on these forums, often to a standoff.
But when we go to the scientific evidence on the issues in this thread, the YECs have next to nothing to support their 6,000-year-old worldview. They have a bunch of talking points they generally get from YEC propaganda machines like Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis and people like Kent Hovind and Ken Ham, but when pressed on them, their arguments fall apart, and they go back and hide under their 6,000-year-old rock. Then a new thread is started on a young earth v. old earth related subject, and they regurgitate the same talking points.
YECs often label other Christians who do not agree with their 6,000-year-old worldview as heretics. They make not only themselves look foolish with their pseudoscientific nonsense but Christians in general as well.
You want to know why I believe the bible and in a younger earth. You keep asking, mocking, asking, mocking. Well I’ll give you my answer. See I got to a place in life and a situation I couldn’t handle or ever make better on my own. Right as I realized that I am nothing on my own and my pride was brought low, I got to a place where I hit my knees and pretty much just gave up, at least on the hope of myself fixing anything. See I thought I was already a Christian at this point so I wasn’t seeking for what I thought I already had. So on my knees I just cried out “I can’t take this anymore, I just can’t do it anymore, I just can’t do it anymore, I just can’t do it anymore, world you win, I lose, and I QUIT!” I basically quit life in that moment and knew that I was done. Well guess what? God wasn’t done, He hadn’t even started yet.
I woke up the next day different, I wasn’t sure why or how, just that the feeling of wanting to die that had plagued my life every second of every day for the previous 2 years was gone. It was gone and I felt better, the funniest thing is I had no clue what happened yet. See I had been to church and heard about this stuff but to me Jesus was a great “idea”, and if I lived my life by His basic teachings, life would go smooth on average. Imagine my surprise to realize that He is more real than this superficial world and had come down to regenerate me and make me a whole new creature. This was Him revealing Himself to me, and it actually took me a couple days to put it all together. See this removed ALL doubt from my mind that God is real and sent His only begotten, Jesus here to save us.
See I realized that all this “Bible stuff” is Truth, and what this world feeds us is deception. I was completely blind to ALL of that just 20 months ago and I too would believe that these scientist and everything the world tells us was true, and that they could be sure of that. I NEVER took the time to look into it myself being to busy with the things this world told me were important, like TV, Video Games, my weekend plans, bills, money, and the countless other things we are programmed from birth to hold dear. See I now had the actual Spirit of the creator of everything inside me know to help guide me to righteousness.
So to break it down, God Himself is the reason that I now believe the Bible to be literal Truth, and I’ll believe His word over anything a secular ideology, or any man tells me. God is first to me in the most literal and complete way and I can’t stress that enough. Now does that mean I’m going to start fighting (or arguing to say it nicer) about the “proof” man and dinosaurs lived together. I wasn’t there and honestly don’t know. I am not a scientist, nor do I see this as vital to anything. The bottom line is without Christ as a center and foundation for your life you’re incapable of knowing Truth. I believe the Bible and that is my reasoning for believing that the YEC may very well be right. There you go, now you can start mocking me too now. Have at it “brother”.