There seems to be more and more stir up on this issue. I'm not going to get any debates over said topic. However, I think it's ironic A LOT of you are spending time on this "big sin" yet seem to overlook "little ones" that your neighbors across the street are involved in (I know there is no such thing as big and small sin, but you all are making homosexuality seem like a next level compared to gossip and gluttony). You know, my church is doing a mission trip this summer. In our own backyard. How many of you are willing to try to save someone that literally shops at the same grocery store as you, or takes the same path for a morning or night time run if you like to jog? How about stopping with the arguging of this subject, and start actually talking to people in your own backyard about Jesus in a loving way. And treating all sin as sin. Funny how you don't see many threads about gossip and gluttony. This is why the LGBT people hate Christians.