Well I suppose that yes having sexual urges for anyone is a sin, if you aren't married and thinking only of your spouse. What I mean to say is that God loves gay people and sometimes those gay people will never want to be with the opposite sex and will then live a life of celibacy, and that is perfectly okay.
Yes, but what is normal? Sexual urges of most any kind are sinful, so why not abstain from them all together?
The problem is not sex it is us.
Marriage is for one man and one woman by Gods design. This is the consistent teaching of the Bible. Gen. 2:24-55, Matt. 19:4.
So, sex outside of this context is a sin both in terms of actuality and in our thoughts, or mind.For God concludes thru scripture: If you think it, you did it. Paraphrased for emphasis...smile. Here's my point-God created sex! God made our bodies "Very Good" with "Male and Female" parts and pleasures. When our first parents consummated their Covenant, God was not shocked nor horrified, because He Himself created our bodies for sex. The reason that sex is fun, pleasurable, and wonderful is because it is a reflection of the loving goodness of God who created it as a gift for us to steward and enjoy. Gen. 2:24-25. Some need to note this as well.
But sinful sex outside of Marriage is a sin. We are emphasizing Homosexuality here which is one of them, but there are many more as well: Erotica, bestiality, bi-sexuality, fornication, friends with benefits, adultery, swinging, prostitution, polygamy, polyandry, sinful lust, pornography, and pedophilia. 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 18-20; Heb. 13:4.
Shame is not a godly perspective on sex, you show here. It is either a sin or a blessing.Conviction of sin is shame with a purpose, but shame is never a godly resting place for sex to sit in the way of our thinking. Godly sex is a blessing.Ungodly sex is a sin. Shame is only a catalyst to point out sin to us, not to have a plan that says, we must choose God or sex.
Homosexuality is simply always a sin, by Gods design, or by way of His un-design.. But again, we need to worry not about the accuracy of that label as much as loving the child of God under it's control. We need to not use a creed of saying, "It is all a mind thing" as it's therapy, but let the facts speak for themselves. The facts are people are really gay. and it is not a mind fart. But God is a God of supernatural power, and if He is the one that determines a thing to be bad in our lives then He will secure victory over it for us, in what way He sees fit in the real - time answer of peoples lives. Not in a compromised fashion, but in a all-inclusive answer particular to Gods application of interceding in that persons life.