This is something that kinda bothers me. Disagreeing does not equal hate, nor does is it bashing. I would not encourage someone to do something I know is wrong. Am I really hateful for this?
If someones defense on their doctrine is "youre a bigot for saying its wrong", that means they probly dont have a real good argument. If people dont like the fact that others disagree with them, then maybe they should hide from the world more often.
I cant remember a time when Christ responded with the pharisees that argued with Him with "you guys are bigots, you should learn to love". You need to have a real argument if you are gonna debate.
And I figured I could share my experiences about my first time at a catholic service today

So, the entire two hours we were there, they literally read 3 verses from the bible. Other then that, the whole time they sang some songs, half of them in English, performed many rituals of filling golden cups, praying with the cup, then covering the cup with a green cloth with a cross on it (this took much longer than you can imagine), lighting the thing with the incense and walking around the alter with it, then moving it to the congregation, slowly putting their books away, repeating the same sayings and prayers over and over, and praying the Christ, Mary and the catholic saints, and even talked about praying to the angels. They called the pope the "heavenly father", and Im not lying, they literally used that term and the current popes name. Then they finished with a song, and everyone left. No one said hello or welcome to us, or introduced themselves to us, and no one talked at the beginning or end. There was no clear lesson, and I realized, if you were wanting to bring someone to Christ who had not yet come to know Him, this would have been the worse place to do it. They should come to church feeling inspired, learning something about Him, and seeing who He is, but this church, it was nothing but repetition and being quiet while watching them perform rituals, nothing was inspired at all. It was all very weird. Is this common with catholic churches?