I see a lot of words like "cruel" and "hostile" being attached to opinions and harmful experiences encountered by many of us in regards to WOF. I have nothing but respect for you CeileDe, I've agreed with many of your posts. But what is cruel and hostile is a false doctrine so subtle and false that targets new believers with the capability to ship wreck their faith for many years down the road. I'm not saying all WOF is willfully designed to do so, but the result in my experience is the same. If that's cruel to hear, then so be it. Are there WOF churches that do not embrace the doctrine in entirety? Maybe, but wouldn't you call them something else if that were the case?
When I say hostile or angry I am referring to people who have had bad experiences with some in the WoF crowd on healing. The healing didn't happen so they blame all WoF members and call them all crazy. Like I said in a previous post, I am not WoF and I have nothing to gain by standing up for them. I wish we could all get along but I'm pretty sure this won't happen until our Lord returns.
You know I don't agree completely with everything WoF follows, and as a Celtic Christian I don't agree with everything this denomination follows or holds true. I have been a member of AoG church's and I can assure you I don't agree with everything they follow. I could probably go on and on about a number of other denominations; does this make them all bad or all preaching false doctrine? If you really want to think about it, we are all probably pretty wrong with some things we hold true and we probably aren't even close.
The one thing we can all agree on, I hope, is Jesus is our Lord and Savior and without Him we can do nothing. It is the little crap we want to argue about. Does God heal, does God prosper us, does God Bless us. It is flipping ridiculous what we argue over. If a Christian wants to believe God flows through them then so be it. If a Christian wants to believe God would rather leave them in pain then so be it. One day we will all find out and we will all have new bodies and what we think now won't even matter when we get to heaven.