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The problem with that type of thinking though is, Scriptures are clear that interpretations belong to God NOT TO MEN. Therefore anyone who goes about to interpret the Word of God is wrong, and is and will be subject to the sways of satan for doing such a wicked thing. God interprets the Word of God. Men try to, and they are wrong for thinking they have the authority or the knowledge to do so. The Holy Spirit of God reveals to whom He/She will reveal. Woe to men who interpret the Word of God, for this very reason is why there are so many false doctrines today, so many different denominations.
Interpretations belong to God NOT TO MEN.
It appears that you are referencing 2 Peter 1:20 (it would be helpful if, when you say that 'Scripture says clearly' that you give the reference). If so, you are misreading it. The context is prophecy, not interpretation of the basic text.
It has been frowned upon when i copy and paste an entire article on these boards concerning a specific topic. if then you want to see the verses, click on website below, then click on Interpretations. If in fact you desire to see what the Word says concerning the topic. Which you probably do beings that you asked for the references.
By applying the word the way you do here, you are... interpreting, doing the very thing you condemn. Consider the following... if we were to just follow the word:
"Judas went and hanged himself."
"Go and do thou likewise."
"What you are about to do, do it quickly."
Don't interpret it, just follow it? Umm, no, this is not the right way to handle the Scripture.
lol, i never said otherwise. But when a persons interpretation changes the plain meaning of the verse to mean something other than what it actually says, this interpretation is UNGODLY. For example there is not one verse that teaches "Once Saved Always Saved" it is the interpretations of men with a specific few verses that they interpret to mean that. This interpretation is not Godly. If what you believe contradicts even one verse in Scriptures, then you believe a false interpretation of the TRUTH, that is the TRUTH. For example all those verses the OSAS believers believe in, can't possibly be TRUE, if a persons name can be blotted out of the Book of Life? Those verses contradict the OSAS belief. Therefore that belief is incorrect. Scriptures are TRUE, what people believe is the truth can be corrupted.
If it was possible, and you have a teachable spirit, and are like the Bereans, which would examine the Word to see if what is being said is TRUE or not, ACCORDING TO THE WORD, then if it were possible forget everything you have ever been taught by man, EVERYTHING, Read the Word of God, and merely believe what it says, Don't try to change verses that you do not agree with, just believe it, and what it plainly says, then you will begin to see the TRUTH, then you will begin to see just how narrow and difficult the path that leads to Everlasting Life actually is, and then you might understand how only a very few will actually find it.
Here is a sad Truth, 98% of Christians believe a false doctrine of some sort or another. Hence the reason Those who are actually on the wide path that leads to destruction are DECEIVED believing doctrines from men, and NOT what Scriptures actually teach. How many things do you believe is TRUE, based solely on a person interpretation or even your own interpretation of verses?
Love One Another, This is how you know who has Jesus in them and who does not.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††