The Apostolic Bible Polyglot has an interesting translation of 1 Timothy 2:11-12
The Greek word for wife and woman is the same. Same with husband and man. I don't like their term rest; I think stillness better conveys the meaning of that word.
So was Paul referring to wives when he wrote this, instead of women in general? It makes me wonder because of the context of marriage that's created by the ensuing verses.
Let a wife learn at rest in all submission. And a wife I do not commit to their care to teach, nor to domineer a husband, but to be at rest. 1 Timothy 2:11-12
The Greek word for wife and woman is the same. Same with husband and man. I don't like their term rest; I think stillness better conveys the meaning of that word.
So was Paul referring to wives when he wrote this, instead of women in general? It makes me wonder because of the context of marriage that's created by the ensuing verses.
For Adam first was shaped, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the wife having been deceived, became in violation. But she shall be preserved through the childbearing, if they abide in belief, and love, and sanctification, with discreetness. 1 Timothy 2:13-15
I be curious as to how other literal translations handle these text. Oh btw they dropped the Ball. There is an inconsistency.
Verse 8 is the beginning of this section.
I want then [3 to pray 1 for the 2 men] in every place, lifting up sacred hands, separate from anger and arguing.