Thank you soooo much. But I want to hear from and understand people that believe people can loose their salvation... that is who this post is directed to... How do they know they will go to heaven when they die!?! Could they be right.... If they die today how do they know where they will go Heaven or HELL!?!
I find it "odd" no one who believes they can lose their salvation has not responded to such a simple question!!!!
I find it "odd" no one who believes they can lose their salvation has not responded to such a simple question!!!!
Hi, I just wanted to say I look after my elderly aunt. She’s 83 and has loads of
health problems. I was brought up by her in foster care so she is like my mum.
Early dementia
COPD on oxygen 24/7
Heart failure
Chronic kidney disease.
All of the above makes her very confused if her oxygen levels drop,
if her blood chemistry becomes imbalances. If she gets UTIs etc.
Even as we speak she is in hospital yet again with breathing problems,
fluid on her chest. I’m pretty much having to call an ambulance every month
In answer to your question, the truley saved cannot lost their salvation.
We do not save ourselves and we do not keep ourselves. That’s Gods job.
My aunt has a great testimony. But in short when my grandfather died
over 40 years ago. She was at the funeral and the person taking the burial
read the 23rd Psalm at the graveside. In that moment she became born again.
It was her road to Demarcus moment, she says it felt like God was talking to
her and she kept looking around the cemetary expecting to see God.
No one preached to her, no one explained the gospel. She hadn’t even been to
church apart from weddings! It really was like a Saul/Paul experience.
She came home a different person from the funeral I remember it well.
The next Sunday she dragged me to church even though I didn’t want to go.
She said she just had to go! She actually thought she would die at first as she
could not believe a person could experience something so wonderful and live!
Anyway fast forward 40 years and life had taken its toil, she had several
nervous breakdowns. Stopped going to church as she could not cope any more.
Then got elderly and ill, stopped reading the bible as too ill. Stopped watching
God TV as she doubted her faith, wondered if there was a God.
I have often worried about her and wondered where she was with a God had she given
up etc.
Then earlier this year during another bout of illness when she was really confused
and hallucinating. She woke me up in the middle of the night. I went downstairs and
she was really crying. She said she wanted say sorry and could I pray with her.
I was crying too as she said sorry to God and sorry for being a nuisance to everyone.
She made peace with God that night during a moment of clarity. Then next morning
she was back to confused again.
It wasn’t my aunt, this was all God. I believe he drew her to himself that night.
Since then despite the confusion she often tells me she prays. I know for certainty
she belongs to God. Why ? because God is holding onto her. HE always has done.
He does the same with us too if we are truely his.
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