As to the charismatic tag and the possible reason it is there - I relooked at the page and see that the author is against pentecostals and charismatics. My reference to the French Prophets is connected to this element of the list:
As to the so called Kundalini spirit - whilst the term has been applied as recently as a decade ago by a New Zealand brother in particular - the book I referenced and suggested you may want to read expressly cites that same meaning only it doesn't append made up words to do it. Hence my use of the expression so called when speaking about the Kundalini spirit. It is a reality that exists in Hinduism that is being applied by the author of the Kundalini Spirit fame - only Jesse Penn- Lewis is writing from the perspective of being a missionary in northern India (the then British summer seat of government [Simla] - today in Pakistan) And Mrs Penn-Lewis made both a rational and spiritual argument and didn't do what far too many Christians do today and imagine that they are being spiritual when they are wholly ignorant of what they are making claims to. Much of what Christians write these days is at best intellectual clap trap predicated on misquoting others to uphold either a cessationist position or else a charismatic prophetic madness.
- Cevennes: After Montanus, the next time any significant tongues-speaking movement arose was with the Cevennol Prophets of the seventeenth century. The Cevennol prophets likewise were outside of the church - their primary emphasis was on politics and the military.
As to the so called Kundalini spirit - whilst the term has been applied as recently as a decade ago by a New Zealand brother in particular - the book I referenced and suggested you may want to read expressly cites that same meaning only it doesn't append made up words to do it. Hence my use of the expression so called when speaking about the Kundalini spirit. It is a reality that exists in Hinduism that is being applied by the author of the Kundalini Spirit fame - only Jesse Penn- Lewis is writing from the perspective of being a missionary in northern India (the then British summer seat of government [Simla] - today in Pakistan) And Mrs Penn-Lewis made both a rational and spiritual argument and didn't do what far too many Christians do today and imagine that they are being spiritual when they are wholly ignorant of what they are making claims to. Much of what Christians write these days is at best intellectual clap trap predicated on misquoting others to uphold either a cessationist position or else a charismatic prophetic madness.
I think the majority of your post is personal opinion, which you have every right to believe as you do. The Website is an accurate List of those for, against, opposed, and witnessed the topic of Tongues from the writings and documentation of those who fortunately kept notes of what was happening in their lifetime/Ministry/etc.
If Cessationalism was correct, Knowledge would not be as prevalent as it is Today. I did very well in my formal and higher education. Made a living off that Knowledge. But having the access to the Internet and comparing what I am learning each day to what I learned through the education system, I have more knowledge than I ever had. Daniel 12:4 speaks about Knowledge being evident in the future tense. Most people can attest to the knowledge they are gaining with access to Youtube, Internet, even gaining more Biblical Knowledge. If Cessationalism was correct, Knowledge would have Vanished when Tongues Ceased and Prophecy failed. But knowledge has clearly not Vanished but has Flourished and Increased. That means Prophecy has not Failed nor has Tongues Ceased.
The average local Church Body is less than 100 people. For the most part, there is nothing wrong going on. It's quite foolish to take the Examples off of Television and apply them to the local Church Body. Most Tongue Speaking local Church Bodies think what is happening on television is a complete Farce. But instead, they are being lumped together unjustly. Which proves just how out of touch most people who call themselves Followers of God actually are! Anyone, unable to Discern television from local Church Body reality needs serious help in multiple ways!
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