Sounds to me as if flesh here has taken over?
The core of the faith is knowing Christ died on the cross for our sin
But the practical working out of that in our lives requires acceptance and understanding of the following
This is the covenant I will make with them after that time declares the Lord
I will put my laws in their hearts and write them on their minds
Then he adds
Their sins and lawless deeds I will remeber no more
Under the new coveannt God, through the spirit circumcises our hearts(Rom2:29)
Under the old covenant God told Moses to tell the people to circumcise their hearts(Duet10:16)
Under the old covenant the law was written on tablets of stone, under the new on tablets of human hearts(2C3:3)
Under the old coveannt the Israelites strove to obey the literal law, under the new covenant we look to Christ for our hearts desire(obediance due to the law written on our hearts and minds.)
But as Jesus said:
No-one after drinking the old wine wants the new, for he says. 'The old is better'