born gay

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Feb 19, 2013
My husband said something to me the other day that actually made a lot of sense. People say that their born gay, and he said they may be onto something, after all we are born into sin, and homosexuality is à sin, so being "born" gay actually makes sense.
in a carnal kind of way
while we are born with sin nature, that does not mean we are born 'gay' any more then it means that we are born a mass murderer! we still have to make our choices as to what we will or will not do! and sin is always a choice in the beginning, then it quicly becomes a bongage.

Now science has proven that there is not a gene that exists that causes someone to be a homosexual. therefore we can be certain that no one is born a homosexual! this is a fact. and it is also a fact that homosexualiy can be cured!

Have a great day.



The point I'm making with these is gay people marrying DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. If you argue that it's the fact that it's sin, what about all the other sins mentioned? Homosexuality isn't in the commandments. Jesus never mentioned it. I understand you're against it and by all means preach that to your kids! But there are WAY more important, pressing things that should be dealt with that ACTUALLY do harm.
I have to respond to this statement "is gay people marrying DOESN'T AFFECT YOU" as it does affect me. It directly undermines Marriage and Families as God designed it to be - between a man and women that is how marriage is defined. Gay people do not fit in to this catergory so therefore plain and straight marriage is not for gay people. That is why they have been given a civil union if they are not happy with that, then change the wording so they can be content with a civil union.

What is more pressing than fighting for the rights of marriage and families as God designed them to be, the devil likes to attack the heart of God's perfect plan.

To answer the orginial OP: Sexuality is a choice so I do not believe people are born gay, they are made gay by the choice they make to be so.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2012
Yes because them choosing to be hated, persecuted and bullied makes so much more sense...


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
The truth is, one can say it was this or that, but why is not what we are called to in Jesus.
Jesus said, you must deny your very self.
The final words in revelation speak to how those who have overcome the world, being the ones who's names are written in the book of life.
Its about overcoming the world, flesh, setting ones self aside and following Jesus.
The good news is? that when one confesses to Jesus, repenting their sins, the power, streangth, to overcome all is done already by Jesus and given in us.
The love of God is greater than anything that seeks to take ones salvation away, and Jesus overcame all this for us.
Trying to reason or excuse has no effect on the truth we are called to in Jesus.
Its all about overcoming the world, flesh, denying one's self.
God Our Father's love is so great and perfect, that He gave us the way to salvation, to overcome.
That is in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh.
Why, does not hold any power or reason, when it comes to the what and is salvation.
Compassion, mercy, God's love ? yes we are to do and give this to all in Jesus.
But never compramise the truth, for the result will be death .
God's love is not the world's love.

How great and sweet is the love of God, that all shall know it, setting aside all to follow Jesus.

God bless


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
Is an alcoholic born that way?
No, that is learned behavior. It is said that the same can apply to people who have difficulties forming relationships with members of the opposite sex. With others it depends on which way the "cookie crumbles." We are all different and nobody should be condemned for the way people are but as with everything else it is our behavior which is so important and we all need to have a thought towards that whoever we are and whatever we do, as we all know. :)
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Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
Do you think it's a bigger battle than disease, starvation, poverty?

What about shellfish? I know a ton of people who eat shellfish. In fact, it's more prevalent than homosexuals!

Leviticus 11:10: "But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you."

How about bowl haircuts?

Leviticus 19:27: "You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard". I see that an awful lot, too.

Eat bacon lately? Play football?

Leviticus 11:8: "You shall not eat of [pigs] flesh nor touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you."

Should I keep going?

The point I'm making with these is gay people marrying DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. If you argue that it's the fact that it's sin, what about all the other sins mentioned? Homosexuality isn't in the commandments. Jesus never mentioned it. I understand you're against it and by all means preach that to your kids! But there are WAY more important, pressing things that should be dealt with that ACTUALLY do harm.
They are Jewish laws.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
This is what the New Testament says about things outside of normal married life. The word homosexual did not exist until 1892 instead the Bible uses words like lasciviousness, lust, uncleanness and fornication.

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Rom 1:27

"Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted." 1Cr 10:6

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Gal 5:16

"Not in the lust of concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God:" 1Th 4:5

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Jam 1:15

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2Pe 1:4

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1Jo 2:16

"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1Jo 2:17

“when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries” 1 Peter 4:3

“have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness” 2 Corinthians 12:21

“Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness” Ephesians 4:19

“the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness…” Galatians 5:19

“ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness” Jude 1:4

"And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man." Mar 7:20


Is an alcoholic born that way?
I think that there is a 'propensity' to have an addictive easily fall into unhealthy ways by which to cope with negative emotions and the challenges in life. There seems to be a generational link with alcoholism for example...I say 'seems'. But there is quite a lot of evidence. Basically, when someone chooses a self harming behaviour, it is as a 'coping' method. Sadly, it is not a very successful choice long term. I do not think someone is 'born' an alcoholic...but like all 'sinful' behaviours...we may be tempted, we may be drawn to them, we may want them...they make us feel better....for a time but we can resist. Not in ourselves, we will be caught in a cycle of repeated addiction but through Christ alone. He is the only way to freedom, in all things. <><


They are Jewish laws.
Ah, because it's in the old testament?

Ok, let's do away with the ten commandments then, too.


I have to respond to this statement "is gay people marrying DOESN'T AFFECT YOU" as it does affect me. It directly undermines Marriage and Families as God designed it to be - between a man and women that is how marriage is defined. Gay people do not fit in to this catergory so therefore plain and straight marriage is not for gay people. That is why they have been given a civil union if they are not happy with that, then change the wording so they can be content with a civil union.

What is more pressing than fighting for the rights of marriage and families as God designed them to be, the devil likes to attack the heart of God's perfect plan.

To answer the orginial OP: Sexuality is a choice so I do not believe people are born gay, they are made gay by the choice they make to be so.
Except not everybody is a Christian. In fact, the majority of people on this planet aren't. So why are you dictating what your view of a family is onto others who may not share your view? Remember the saying, treat others the way you would want to be treated? Imagine being on the receiving end of a group of people deciding that your lifestyle is sinful and therefore should be outlawed. I'd imagine your response would be somewhere along the lines of, it's my life don't tell me how to live it.

If you think that gay marriage "directly undermines marriage and families," HOW? How does gay marriage "directly undermine" your family and marriage? Because if you're that insecure about your sexuality that the marriage of two same-sex people is threatening, you may want to do some soul searching because I for one am not at all disgruntled by the love of two people. Nor do I think most people are. I would hope that your lifestyle would be secure enough that it could survive nearly anything, let alone some gays marrying.


Yes because them choosing to be hated, persecuted and bullied makes so much more sense...
we should love them as much as those in any sin. But we do it with the gospel. unfortunately the gospel will judge them, like it does any sin.. this is not our fault..''but to excuse it and say we were born that way, that is arrogance. and total agreement with romans 1.. where they hide the truth of God in their hearts. knowing it is sin, they do it anyway. is it worth allowing these people to spend eternity in hell and not give them the gospel just because we do not want to offend them? i think not.


we should love them as much as those in any sin. But we do it with the gospel. unfortunately the gospel will judge them, like it does any sin.. this is not our fault..''but to excuse it and say we were born that way, that is arrogance. and total agreement with romans 1.. where they hide the truth of God in their hearts. knowing it is sin, they do it anyway. is it worth allowing these people to spend eternity in hell and not give them the gospel just because we do not want to offend them? i think not.
In your mind is the fact that gays feel "hated, persecuted and bullied" hand-in-hand with offering them the gospel? Because that's what your post is strongly implying.

I thought the message was about love and Jesus Christ, not hatred, persecution, and bullying. Now, I'm no Christian, but wouldn't the process of trying to save people through the Holy Spirit make them feel warm and accepted, and not judged?

"Unfortunately the gospel will judge them". Well, who do you think wrote the gospel? God. So will they, in your mind, be judged when they die? Yes. So why not let them reap what they sow? That is the entire idea of "turn the other cheek", is it not? Rather than make excuses for homosexuals feeling "hated, persecuted, and bullied" on behalf of your religion.

Edit: Also, why are you following a scripture that makes people feel so horrible? That's just a depressing way to see the world. I'd rather follow a text that makes people feel happy and welcome, personally.


In your mind is the fact that gays feel "hated, persecuted and bullied" hand-in-hand with offering them the gospel? Because that's what your post is strongly implying.

I thought the message was about love and Jesus Christ, not hatred, persecution, and bullying. Now, I'm no Christian, but wouldn't the process of trying to save people through the Holy Spirit make them feel warm and accepted, and not judged?

"Unfortunately the gospel will judge them". Well, who do you think wrote the gospel? God. So will they, in your mind, be judged when they die? Yes. So why not let them reap what they sow? That is the entire idea of "turn the other cheek", is it not? Rather than make excuses for homosexuals feeling "hated, persecuted, and bullied" on behalf of your religion.

No. In my mind, when you give the gospel to a homosexual, A heterosexual living in fornication. A drunk or drug addict. A murderer or thief. Their sin will be exposed. I do not have to (as many do) say stop sinning. Or even mention their pet sin. I just have to say God loves them, he died for them and he wants to heal them and restor his relationship with him. the law written in their hearts, and the HS will convict them of their sin.

so how can they be offended by me? Unless I judge them.. then we are in danger, and in error. I can't judge them, because I am in sin myself.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
Ah, because it's in the old testament?

Ok, let's do away with the ten commandments then, too.
No, not because it is Old Testament but because the Jews had their own secular laws as well. One of the problems Jesus had with Jewish law is that it allowed for premeditated killing as in the case of the woman caught in adultery who was to be stoned to death. As you know the the Ten Commandments forbid killing. The Jews I am sorry to say were a law unto themselves.


No, not because it is Old Testament but because the Jews had their own secular laws as well. One of the problems Jesus had with Jewish law is that it allowed for premeditated killing as in the case of the woman caught in adultery who was to be stoned to death. As you know the the Ten Commandments forbid killing. The Jews I am sorry to say were a law unto themselves.
So where does the bible say, "this part is for jews to follow, this part is for christians to follow"?

Why did Jesus have a problem with something in the bible? His dad/he wrote it.


No, not because it is Old Testament but because the Jews had their own secular laws as well. One of the problems Jesus had with Jewish law is that it allowed for premeditated killing as in the case of the woman caught in adultery who was to be stoned to death. As you know the the Ten Commandments forbid killing. The Jews I am sorry to say were a law unto themselves.
you forget the fact that God in giving his law to the children of Isreal commanded this death penalty for certain sin, One happened to be homosexuality. The jews did not add that law (although they added many) God gave it to them.

but sin is still sin. Even though we are not told to execute homosexuals as they were does not mean it is not a sin.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
So where does the bible say, "this part is for jews to follow, this part is for christians to follow"?

Why did Jesus have a problem with something in the bible? His dad/he wrote it.

They had their own laws which you can find in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in fact they jump out at you as you will know, it is a shame atheists don't know about this or they might feel different about Christianity which is not the same as Judaism. it is only the Ten Commandments that are God given.

Here are their own laws which have been sanitised but you can read them on this Jewish site.

Judaism 101: A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2011
No, not because it is Old Testament but because the Jews had their own secular laws as well. One of the problems Jesus had with Jewish law is that it allowed for premeditated killing as in the case of the woman caught in adultery who was to be stoned to death. As you know the the Ten Commandments forbid killing. The Jews I am sorry to say were a law unto themselves.
The Ten Commandments do NOT forbid killing. It forbids ratsach, murder. Big difference.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
The Ten Commandments do NOT forbid killing. It forbids ratsach, murder. Big difference.
Murder is pre-meditated killing.

So what is stoning a woman to death if it isn't pre-meditated?