Nope it is not. Lazy people do not get to enjoy the joys of life. Lazy christians miss out on the joys of spiritual life.
When there was no job available in the Post Office, and unexpected one opened up six months later.
When I had no money to move on, a hit and run drunk driver totaled my parked 2 year old car, and thus the insurance gave me the money to move on, while I leased a car for us. Thus the money got us to Susanville, CA., paying for motel bills, meals, and gas along the way, and even the first and last month's rent, Utility Deposits, and we had $90 left over for groceries until my first check came in.
When a Realtor told me "There are no Apartments for Rent in this town."; suddenly I found one.
Etc., etc. He kept opening the Doors.
On a Challenge, I volunteered to get involved in the Match Two Prison Ministry, in Susanville, Ca. It was just ministering to one inmate in the Visiting Room at a time, but my spirit just SOARED. My wife even commented, when you come home from the Prison it is like you are walking 6 inches off the ground.
THEN two years later, HE put it on my heart to move WEST, yet again. This time He put it on my heart to move from the east side of California to the Coast, 17 miles from Oregon, to Crescent City, CA. Only this time He gave me the understanding why I was to move. He wanted me to start a Prison Ministry in the new super-max Prison they were building there, Pelican Bay State Prison. I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT STARTING a Prison Ministry, but I totally TRUSTED that HE KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT STARTING ONE.
Once again, the minor miracles started happening.
When I was told there would be no job openings in the Post Office, suddenly there was one SIX MONTHS LATER.
When I had too little money to move on, He reminded me that I has a small gun collection that I could sell.
When a Realtor told me there were no rentals in town, I found a single wide Trailer House, 20 minutes later.
When we were walking with the Park Manager over to look at the Trailer House, the Manager said, "I can't believe I have someone here to look at the Trailer House already, it was just 20 minutes ago that I put up that FOR RENT sign. I looked at my watch and yes it was exactly 20 minutes from the time we left the Realtor's Office.
YES, JESUS guided me every step of the Way, and I started in the Security Housing Unit that housed over a 1000 inmates, (THE HOLE), one night a week. I could tell stories all day long about my experiences, but that is not my purpose for sharing this. Yes, ministering in the "End of the Line" Security Housing Unit in the State of California Correctional System, made my spirit Soar yet again. And soon I was getting more INMATE REQUEST FOR INTERVIEW forms (inmates call them a KITE), than I could handle in one night, so I started going out two nights a week after I got off work. Then it was 3 nights, then 4 nights, and when I volunteered for a 5th night per week, my wife asked, "How do I get one of those KITES, so that I too can spend some time with the Volunteer Chaplain?"
The Biblical Priorities for a Married Christian's LOVE are:
I was so excited about how GOD was using me, that I totally forgot about my GOD GIVEN Responsibilities to my WIFE.
I confessed it as a WRONG on my part, and therefore I asked the Head Chaplain for more Volunteers and offered to train them personally. Therefore, I was able to cut back my Volunteer Ministry to 2 nights per week. When we moved about 9.5 years later, I had personally trained 8 of the 12 Volunteers. I knew the Prison Ministry that the LORD STARTED through me, was in good hands.
I share the following video because, perhaps it will help everyone to measure if the have done all that the Lord expects of them. But please do not make my mistake, and get your LOVE Priorities out of order.
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