The Gospel will indeed in its reception and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit grant repentance and in turn, eternal life through faith in the Son. Yet, beyond the initial repentance, we need to know what to do in this life. This we learn more of in later epistles, such as through the writings of the apostle Paul.
You may claim you have no need of further revelation, but you ought to keep in mind that you aren't saved just to be saved. You are saved unto good works. This too is delved into in the NT. You should move beyond the Gospels a delve a little deeper into your walk, learn about fellowshipping with God, and the Holy Spirit. Learn about being a new creation in Christ Jesus. Learn about being dead to sin and alive unto God.
There is much to learn, things that are not in red letters. Truth be told, considering the Bible is the word of God, should not it all be red?
You may claim you have no need of further revelation, but you ought to keep in mind that you aren't saved just to be saved. You are saved unto good works. This too is delved into in the NT. You should move beyond the Gospels a delve a little deeper into your walk, learn about fellowshipping with God, and the Holy Spirit. Learn about being a new creation in Christ Jesus. Learn about being dead to sin and alive unto God.
There is much to learn, things that are not in red letters. Truth be told, considering the Bible is the word of God, should not it all be red?
Jesus said to have faith in Him and to believe. I do
Jesus said to work out my salvation through fear and trembling. I do
Jesus said to receive forgiveness is to forgive those who sinned against me. I do
Jesus said to love my brother and my neighbor. I do
Jesus said to go and sin no more. I try my very best.
Jesus said if I obey His commandments I have eternal salvation. I do
What else do I need when God told me what to do to guarantee life after death with Him?
I do not need anything else because I have it all from God Himself!!
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