P.S. (For Jason...)
You're typing and answering on a computer or some other sort of technologically advanced device that runs on electricity, that many people do not have access to. I'm also assuming you don't have to walk hours and hours to draw water from a well for daily living. You probably just go to a faucet and turn it on.
You DO realize that YOU are definitely one of the "rich" you've kept going on and on about, don't you, with privileges far greater than vast numbers of people in the world?
What is God asking you to give away? And how do you personally apply all the principles you've listed to your own life?
I'm just always curious as to how those who adamantly know what to do and are even more adamant about telling others... carry it out in their own living.
While that sounds like a nice excuse to defend one hoarding tons of cash or to place your treasures here upon this Earth, it really is not an excuse to do so at all. One is merely meeting the basic needs if they:
(a) Have a house or apartment (So as to have a meet up place for other believers). The disciples were allowed to own homes. A house is a place for you to eat and sleep normally and to have a place for your family.
(b) Have a car. For a car is like a horse. Both require maintanence so as to travel. This mode of transportation can meet the basic needs of you and your family and it can help spread the gospel.
(c) Computer or Computerized device. Nowadays, many places require you to have some kind of computerized device to be able to do your job better. I know with my work that this is the case; And you would think that my job did not require such a thing (But it does). In addition, computers are helpful to educating ourselves and our children in how to get by in every day life to even spreading the good news. Computers can allow us to have fellowship online and it can even reach those who are lost.
For one can build a dirt cheap one bedroom log cabin for themself.
One can buy a cheap used car.
One can buy a 300 dollar computer.
So I do not see that as being rich but merely as meeting basic needs. One is not hoarding these things as treasures for themselves. An example of making a treasure out of these types of things would be say:
(a) Building a huge mansion with tons of bedrooms and facilties that one does not need that cries.... "Hey look everybody! See how rich I am!"
(b) A bunch of expensive cars that are just fancy looking to satisfy your ego and to be the talk of the town.
(c) A super computer that not too many people have (Sort of like the one from Superman 3) and or to have a ton of computers in your home that you really do not need.
But does not the rest of the world who is starving and poor consider us as being rich for having basic things like a house, a car, and a computer? They may think that, but they are also not working hard like we are in most cases at a job that demands alot out of them. We are also not hoarding these things but we are meeting a basic needs in order to function better.