to say that Spiritual gifts have ceased is like saying that Christ's Faith has grown weaker -'absurdity'...
Similarly there are no more genuine prophets, since Revelation brought genuine prophecies to an end, and John warned that no one was to add to the prophecies of his book. Then we have the historical fact that after 100 AD none of the Church Fathers claimed to be either an apostle or a prophet. These are just two major examples.
There are about 20 spiritual gifts, but not all of them are manifested today, Which still leaves a large number as valid and operational. Paul selected three specific gifts for being terminated, and had the Charismatics not revived the gift of tongues quite recently (and modern tongues are not the same of biblical tongues) we would not have any issues with accepting the fact that tongues, prophecies, and knowledge (supernaturally acquired) have ceased.
What should concern Christians is that some teach that modern tongues are evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Which means that those who do not speak in tongues automatically become second-class Christians. Speaking of faith, the Bible says that we walk by faith, not by sight, but those wish to see supernatural manifestations deny that. They wish to see in order to believe.
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