Amen...religion in all it's forms is a very poor substitute for knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father for who they truly are.
Jesus is perfect theology. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us. Jesus said "No one knows the Father but the Son." Jesus is the exact representation of the nature of the Father and He came to do the will of the Father. Heb. 1:1-2
If we ever want to find out what God is "really" like - look to Jesus while He was in this earth. We see His will in action in the life of Jesus.
How did He deal with those that knew they were in need of a Savior? How did He deal with the self-righteous people who counted on their own good works for salvation?
How did He chastise His disciples?
Every so-called theological question about the nature of God Himself can be answered by the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus who came to show us the Father.