The OP sounds like the typical princess attitude. 'All us women are right and Godly and ready. You lousy men need to change'. Same crappy, hypocritical message as always.
i am sorry, but i didn't think she sounded "princess" or was outright hypocrisy.
instead, she sounded frustrated with her current state of affairs, and maybe focusing on the guys she sees who aren't really stepping up, because that's her perceived source of problem. we're all guilty of lumping somebody into a label or group sometimes, not unlike you did, when you referred to her as "[another] typical princess attitude".
anyway, i think there are a lot of threads that seem to focus on one gender, and it appears to be borne out of frustration. however, i would love to see less gender-specific threads and more threads focusing on issues and behavior. to me, that would be a more helpful and would be better received.
nobody seems to respond well to a thread that is founded on the presupposition that your entire gender is mostly guilty of a behavior or failing.
also, i am really, REALLY tired of people tromping on threads, insisting that everyone is guilty of something simply because one denies or disagrees with a poster (or is indicted for failing to agree with said poster). just because you feel strongly about your views doesn't entitle you to name call or pretend that self-righteous (and misled) ire can be an appropriate reaction to disagreement.
those are my proposed "cc new year resolutions".

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