Friends are lovely, but I have one who challenges almost every decision that I make related to the young adult group that I lead. I'm not sure if he realizes that he does that, though. But it seems like most of the time that I say that we're going to do something a certain way, he has an objection or a way he thinks we should change it. I'm always open to hearing others' thoughts and ideas, but it's to the point now where I know that if I give any sort of instructions or direction to the group, he's going to have something to say, and I just don't feel like dealing with it most of the time. So now I'm just trying to patiently receive his feedback, speak to his concerns, and then ignore the rest if it's unhelpful...haha.
Another instance of this occurred about 10 minutes ago which is why it was on my mind. I guess this is good practice in avoiding the temptation to people-please, which is what I tend to want to do most of the time.
Another instance of this occurred about 10 minutes ago which is why it was on my mind. I guess this is good practice in avoiding the temptation to people-please, which is what I tend to want to do most of the time.