Day-age view advocates have already published the known geological sequence, column, and record fully integrated into their scientifically testable model.
Additionally, they state the data from the geological, geochemical, and fossil records all place impossible constraints on naturalistic scenarios and that life arose rapidly and early in Earth's history as soon as Earth could possibly support it.
the day age scenario just doesn't work...
here is the sequence of creation according to genesis 1... and night...
either the earth's atmosphere or outer space or both depending on your interpretation...
dry land and plant life...
sun and moon and stars...most likely this also includes planets which were viewed as 'wandering stars'
aquatic animals and flying animals...
all land animals including 'creeping things' such as insects...
in contrast the conventional geologic sequence looks like this...
older stars than the sun...
sun and earth and moon in that order...with dry land on earth preceding the formation of oceans...and the moon being produced by a giant impact...
earth's atmosphere produced by volcanic outgassing...
oceans produced by either water from volcanic outgassing or from comets or both...
microscopic and then algal plant life in the ocean...
animal life in the oceans...
plant life and insect life on the land...
vertebrate animal life on the land...
flying insects on the land...
reptiles on the land and in the ocean...
mammals on the land...
birds on the land...
mammals in the ocean...
there are many obvious contradictions between the two are just a few...
in genesis 1 all land animals are created -after- all of the aquatic animals and flying the geologic sequence many land animals preceded many aquatic animals...and non flying land animals preceded flying land animals...
in genesis 1 the birds clearly came -before- the land the geologic sequence the birds were some of the last land animals to appear...
in genesis 1 there were land plants -before- any life appeared in the the geologic sequence the land plants appeared millions of years after life appeared in the oceans...
in genesis 1 the sun and moon and all the stars were made -after- the the conventional geologic sequence the sun and moon and stars were formed at different times but generally -billions- of years before the appearance of land plants...
now some old earth creationists argue that the sun and moon and stars were made before the fourth day of creation week...and only became -visible- on the fourth day... but then they are -again- doing violence to the geologic data which nowhere indicates that the sun and moon and stars were invisible from earth until after the appearance of land other words that the sun was invisible from the earth's surface until at least the silurian period...there is simply -zero- evidence for this...