I'm sorry, with all due respect, but that's very arrogant. People aren't looking for us to "endorse them." They just want to be able to marry and be with the person they love? People can be gay and still be Christian. And I find it very disrespectful when you say "tolerate" like you have to put up with people being gay. It doesn't affect you in any way. They have to tolerate people's hate and arrogance too!!!
Dear juliak04, I think I understand the points in your very first post. Concerning the quote above, I have some questions for you: Can someone practicing homosexuality really be Christian? By Christian, I mean Christ-like- just as Christ lives (that is the meaning of Christian from the scriptures anyways).
Furthermore, do you think the Holy Jesus revealed to us in Life and Scripture will condone someone who practices 'homosexuality in His Bride'? To give you a hint of how it would look, read 1 Corin. 5:1-12. This tells you that the Church (Jesus' Bride) was to dis-fellowship anyone who was even 'sexually immoral', for example, someone who slept with his father's wife. Do you think the Church would have treated a person claiming to be in Jesus' Bride but practicing homosexuality any way different from the sexually immoral?
Is it really true that the God's children have no right to judge? I tell you the truth, by knowing that God condemns the act of homosexuality through the scriptures, you already stand in judgement of the act, knowingly or unknowingly. And when you fail to tell the Truth to people living in error for any reason other than the Love of God (which wants to bring people to the knowledge of the Truth anyways) you would be 'sinning', yes 'SINNING'.
For scripture references on judgement, look up 1 Corinthians 2:15, 1 Corin. 12-13. I believe you will get a good background on why, how and what God's children (His Church and His Bride) are expected to judge by God. The terms 'judge not' has been well twisted and misunderstood such that a statement that should further Jesus' Glory is used rather for the reverse.
Now, for a brief comment just as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:12-13: "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you." (NIV translation). From the scripture portion above, it is obvious to me that I should be more careful with people who claim to be members of Jesus' Bride while they go about ridiculing the Holy Name of Christ by their deeds.
Although an unbeliever (who is un-regenerated and who does not have God's Spirit) may do things that are anti-Jesus, it is obvious already that he/she is in darkness. I am obligated to reach out in love and gentleness towards such.
1 Corin. 5:9-11 states: "I have written to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-not all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In this case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing you that YOU MUST ASSOCIATE WITH ANYONE WHO CALLS HIMSELF A BROTHER BUT IS SEXUALLY IMMORAL, A DRUNKARD OR A SWINDLER. WITH SUCH A MAN DO NOT EVEN EAT." (NIV translation) See Jude verse 22-23 to see how to treat the sexually immoral and others in the world who are not in Lord Jesus.
Given the above, it is just proper for you to go through the scriptures and see what LORD JESUS what HIS BRIDE to be. Do take time to reevaluate you perspective.
With the Sincere Love Who God Is