I agree that it has meaning but we can't make it say something other than what it says can we? Why not believe it word for word and figure out what God is trying to tell us in that verse?
If cutting off our literal right hand can't save us then we have to figure out what right hand God is talking about.
The right hand is an analogy of a very real threat to salvation.
Take the analogy of the eye.
I tell folks that having a single eye means having one holy bible. And some ridicule that truth. As if the analogy of the eye isn’t analogous of God’s written word, scripture.
But the scripture says that the word is light.
That God is light.
That Jesus is the light. The truth.
That the word is a lamp unto our feet.
That the entrance of God’s word gives us light.
That the word of God is incorruptible.
If I receive other light into my heart than that which is incorruptible I would be inviting in the worst kind of darkness, as Jesus taught and warned of.
So, Jesus knew that scripture and his words would be published as true light so men may have the light of God.
What right hand do you suppose Jesus is analogously referring to?
The authority and power to do my own will and work, rather than the authority and power to do God’s will and work.
I therefore, must deny myself, pick up my cross and follow Jesus lest I work my own works.
It all comes down to presenting ourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
Anything short of that is failure to be faithful.
Now you might argue that the analogy of the eye isn’t literally true. But it is.
When two sources of light enter a room through small windows they form alternating bands of light and darkness. It is literally true.
When you eat with a king hold your knife to your throat.
That is literally great wisdom. Men have died from not doing so because they ate and drank too much and talked foolishly in the presence of a king.